deep is instance of DeepClient

// draft in testing now
// create guest and login with it
const { linkId, token, error } = await deep.guest();
// if you already logged in and can use jwt for current link
const { linkId, token, error } = await deep.jwt(linkId);
// for access to generation jwt for link, actual user must have permission rule where link in objects, jwt action in actions
// awailable from any DeepClient
const { linkId, token, error } = await deep.login(jwt);
const { linkId: undefined, token: undefined, error } = await deep.logout();
// if deep getted from useDeep, then login find and reset token/linkId in auth provider

Initially as user any guest have permission for action AllowLogin for all others links (includes users). This rule contained in admin user. You can manually auth as admin and delete it.

Attention! Be careful! Before deleting OpenForAll rule, realize any other custom auth solution!

guest and jwt available in GraphQL

<aside> ❕ More about deep GraphQL here GraphQL


	newJwtToken:jwt(input: { linkId: 123 }) { linkId token }
	whoAmI:jwt(input: {}) { linkId }

Deep.Case automatically authorise each user as a new relationship using deep.guest.

Very soon we publish js examples for easy use it inside your apps.