You are here now. This is your instance of Deep.

As you can see on top menu - you are user 324 now.

Screenshot 2022-02-24 at 08.26.27.png

Let’s load more data on the screen. Create Query from Deep.Case UI for load data, by clicking button +query.


As you can see, several links have been created. Link, that we created, is immediately selected, and its card is displayed to the right (recursive cards panel).

Screenshot 2022-02-24 at 08.27.44.png

The white color of the link means, that card is open. If you click on the active button in the card, it will create an active link, it will keep the data up to date for the specified request.

<aside> ❕ In future versions, code, responsible for client behavior, can be written directly in the editor. This will allow it, to be extended using d3/treeJS/aframe and deep environment functionality.


If we activate query {} (all available), we will see this on the screen:

Screenshot 2022-02-24 at 08.28.04.png

This cloud of links is the default visible for all links package @deep-foundation/core with basic abstractions for system operation.

But we want (for example) load only users. Click by user and open link card.


Let’s see, ok, user has type 22.

Screenshot 2022-02-23 at 10.42.48.png

<aside> ❕ buttons with id, just focus camera on specific link


<aside> ❕ buttons with = < > focus camera and open card of specific link


Let's modify query from {} to { type_id: 22 }

<aside> ❕ More about deep query syntax hereDeepClient


Field with this string - value of link 555. Values can be string, number or object type. This field fully accessible in GraphQL api, and restricted.

<aside> ❕ More about values here 🧬Links Value


Screenshot 2022-02-23 at 10.43.45.png

Do not need to save anything.

And you can see only one founded user - by type 22.

Why are there links on the screen, that we didn't ask for? Deep.Case itself loads the types for all rendered relationships in order to display them.